Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) provides the best possible air quality without wasting energy. It filters dust, pollen & airborne pollution from the air you breathe and it warms it up to near-room temperature (for free) by recovering energy that’s normally wasted. Smart MVHR systems can do a whole lot more besides.

The more you research the benefits, the more you realise MVHR is the only way to ventilate a modern, low energy building. The health and comfort benefits even outweigh the energy savings. The question is not whether you need MVHR, it’s whether you need quality MVHR or just something mediocre. And the answer to that question is, how long do you plan to live in the property?

A mediocre system will cost you less to buy but more to own longer term, because in five or ten years in you’ll be swapping it for another mediocre system. Think of it this way, the MVHR in a 200sqm family home needs to supply and also extract almost 2 million cubic metres of air every year, forever. That’s equivalent to 750 Olympic size swimming pools full of air, in and out. The best systems will do that quietly and efficiently for decades if designed, installed, and then looked after properly, but that’s a tall order for anything less.

About Solarcrest

If yours is a new build, refurb/remodel, or deep retrofit project, and you want the best possible MVHR outcome; the best spec in terms of air quality, reliability, automation, and acoustics; an installable 3D design that fits perfectly; a 5-star rated managed install, manufacturer approved set up, handover, and aftercare forever; you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve just got planning permission but haven’t completed your construction drawings or started on site yet, you’ve come to the right place at the right time too.

MVHR is a living, breathing, whole-house system that touches every room so has to be designed perfectly to suit your unique property, installed diligently at the right stages during the project, and then set up correctly so it works exactly the way it should. If you think you can buy a cheap kit for your plumber to install, read the next few pages before you part with your money.

First, see the benefits of MVHR
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Read our (verified) reviews
Build Tight - Ventilate Right is the mantra of the Energy Savings Trust, so that's exactly what we help you to do. Solarcrest provide smart MVHR ventilation to give you the best possible air quality without wasting energy, then we help you, your architect, and your build team to seal the building safely.
Eliot Warrington
MD & Founder
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