Making the property ‘MVHR compatible’ from the outset is how we deliver optimal acoustic & energy performance. Below 100 pascals air resistance, below 1.5 watts per litre per second, and below 30 dB(A) to be precise, as required by regulations. The neater it is, the quieter it runs.
Ahead of the initial design meeting we study your latest plans, particularly anything structural that impacts MVHR options and cost. We look at plantroom size and location, joist plan and steel work, intermediate floors, potential riser locations, available void spaces, the insulation line, and the proximity of neighbours, roads, chimneys or flues. We look for over-heating risks too.
With a better understanding of the building we can offer meaningful suggestions and guidance to help with the technical design (RIBA Stage 4). Only the client and Principal Designer should need to attend, but feel free to invite others.
Please send your latest design files: